Gunji Taiho Jutsu Black Belts Earn Instructor Levels 1 and 2!

Uncategorized Oct 31, 2020


Want to send a special thanks to all the Military and Martial Artists in Tampa from different schools that attended the Jiu Jitsu seminar at Core Martial Arts in Tampa, Florida on October 30, 2020. I will catch you all down the road. A very special congratulations go out to Eric Taylor and Tim Harrell for earning Black Belt 1 Basic Instructor and Black Belt 2 Senior Instructor respectfully in Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GTJ).  Mr. Taylor was able to complete his capstone-video project and live-evaluation in-person face-to-face with Prof. Tony Pacenski earning the basic instructor level 1 in GTJ.  Mr. Harrell in addition continued his qualification instructor certification training to earn the senior instructor level 2 in GTJ.

During the assessments the biggest takeaways were modeling excellence with controlling influence over the lesson, modeling the way throughout, and while passing the learning experience to the students thought the assistant. The quicker the better so students will have the opportunities to start practicing. A great night of learning and assessments. Excellent work taking the next steps in GTJ and Gunji University Instructor Certification Training (ICT) program.


Gunji Taiho Jutsu is the new era for taiho jutsu techniques (arresting technique) as it is a progressive way to teach Military or Law Enforcement personnel many of the traditional and contemporary jujutsu techniques of control and arrest while at the same time keeping mindful of secondary weapon systems during training and complementing all of the current and evolving Military Combatives programs in place for the different branches of the Military.



Admissions <<<Student

::::: is live right now. Gunji Taiho Jutsu redefines the arresting technique. Be prepared with self-pace curriculum blocks in arresting arts. Student and instructor admissions are available. Invest in Gunji Taiho Jutsu and learn the system at Gunji University. Your 1st block of training awaits. Weekly training blocks, online support, online community support, online study textbook, video breakdowns, and more.



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