What You NEED TO KNOW RIGHT NOW - Arresting Pin with Communication and Safety = PCS 3.

(Video from Week 11 Gunji University Online Curriculum-originally recorded Sept 2018)

Did you know? Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GTJ)- Military Arresting Technique’s PCS 3 means Pin, Communication and Safety. Due to recent events, I need to point out a few things to all of you. The classic taiho jutsu pin, the top of the headpin, and GTJ pins have your knee across the back and shoulder; not the neck. Let me take the time to break down the PCS 1-3 phases of GTJ.  This information and along with the knowledge that comes with training GJT through Gunji University goes a long way to creating a better Military Security Forces personnel, Law Enforcement Officer, and a general much more knowledgeable Martial Arts:

Your communication is with your partner and with the suspect and this is a constant from PCS phases 1-3. And finally safety, during your pin and arresting technique you need to make sure that you are safe, your partner is safe and the suspect in custody is safe.
PCS 1 through 3 is the governing strategy for Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GTJ) as a Taiho Jutsu system. PCS 1 is used to provide initial Presence and proper Proximity. It is here where the arresting personnel can gain the original Compliance while at the same time continuously monitoring the distance and observing the person’s Stance, and his or her own:::
To often Taiho Jutsu, combatives techniques, and other “tactical jiu jitsu” lessons/courses are approached and taught from the incorrect distance(s). The focus is too much on how to use techniques for self-defense while calling it arresting technique or “tactical” techniques. This is wrong because all the other strategies build from this original proximity when an officer or security forces approach a person. There must be an overall strategy in this stage. For us, we call this PCS 1. In this stage, there is a unique distance for arresting technique and specific approaches to transition to PCS 2 and PCS 3. This is only found at this time in Gunji Taiho Jutsu -(Military Arresting Technique). 
PCS 2 is used to provide proper Positioning, Controls, and a System of takedown(s). This stage is very much hands-on where you are trying to position yourself effectively in a weapon-based environment or a non-weapon-based environment. One of the important training goals for PCS 2 is to practice arresting technique with many different levels of resistance. To often classic taiho jutsu pain-compliance holds and locks will not work as designed because under deeper levels stress they are not the correct moves to deploy. It is much better to have positional dominance as the guiding force when there are 100% resistance and a need to take down a person. From a strong position, structural alignment strategies can be used to influence balances and in addition, it is in these moments classic taiho jutsu pain-compliance holds and locks can be used, but are not needed. 
PCS 3 is used to provide the final objective(s) to make an apprehension or an arrest. By using the most effective type of Pin strategy, the security forces officer can and should continue to Communicate with the suspect throughout the entire process of all stages of PCS 1-3 and finally make sure that the suspect is Safe during the pin, he himself is safe during the pin and also his or her partner is safe.
It should be noted that during PCS 3 in GTJ, complex or lengthy periods of time for ground grappling or survival is not the true goal of training. Too often in modern defensive tactics and arresting technique courses that take on a jiu jitsu-centric approach, a negative byproduct is that officers spend incredibly too much time on the ground or move to what can be said as positioning that is not idealistic for pinning a suspect with so many variables that can come up in a realistic and real-world situation.
Gunji University is live right now. Gunji Taiho Jutsu redefines the arresting technique. Be prepared with self-pace curriculum blocks in arresting arts. Student and instructor admissions are available. Invest in Gunji Taiho Jutsu and learn the system at Gunji University. Your 1st block of training awaits. Weekly training blocks, online support, online community support, online study textbook, video breakdowns, and more.

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