Gunji Taiho Jutsu Weaponry Core - 4


Training in a weapon-based environment requires new skillsets and mindsets.  What can be applied in Martial Arts and Combatives without having a weapon in the struggle gives much more freedom although still presents many challenges.  A great drill to practice in Combatives training is to begin sparring with one person having a hidden weapon.  When the instructor gives the cue, one of the training partners will pull the weapon out.  This will quickly change the dynamic of the drill.  The weapon is an equalizer for the person that does not have the skills in hand-to-hand Combatives.

When it came time to develop the Gunji Taiho Jutsu's (GTJ) weaponry curriculum, we went for the structure of building off the foundations of Military Combatives and what is explore in Military Basic Training.  This includes self-defense movements against weapons, offensive attacks with the long gun, and how to survive.  With this in mind, GTJ's weaponry core needed to follow principles and go further than Military Basic Training and Military Combatives programs because our goal was to introduce new curriculums as well that blended different Martial Arts. 

In GTJ the Weaponry Core curriculum does have amazing details, drills, and instruction on the core principles of weaponry use and defense.  The context and idea are to give Security Forces and Law Enforcement a working knowledge and practice in a weaponry based environment; however, overall there needs to have arresting-arts in mind.  In the video on this page, there are several ideas and principles explored to begin the knife defense curriculum.  Please take the time to watch this full video.  One of my goals here was to get you out of the mindset of technique-based defenses against the knife (as the example) and move you towards principle-based defenses. 

As always, for GTJ we focused on the basics techniques, we worked on basic principles and went after the important details so Martial Artists reading the essay-like textbooks or watched the Gunji University videos could add to their knowledge or in a way delete techniques they were doing in a wrong way or point of view.  We wanted everyone to learn something, yet more importantly, the objective was and is to develop taiho jutsu (arrest arts).  


Essential Weaponry Arts

Weapon System Retentions

Disarms, Deflections, and Defenses

Gun, Long Gun, Baton, and Knife Tactics

The GTJ Weaponry core curriculum is laid out in an easy to understand format. The reader and/or the viewer of the Gunji University instructional videos will learn universal movements in weaponry use, escapes, counters, positioning, and combinations. Students with background knowledge in weaponry arts tend to gravitate to this curriculum; however, quickly see that there are Military approaches and foundational design for taiho jutsu.  This is our approach to arresting technique - Gunji Taiho Jutsu


GTJ WEAPONRY CORE 3 - Textbook now available on the admission page.


Admissions <<<Student

::::: is live right now. Gunji Taiho Jutsu redefines the arresting technique. Be prepared with self-pace curriculum blocks in arresting arts. Student and instructor admissions are available. Invest in Gunji Taiho Jutsu and learn the system at Gunji University. Your 1st block of training awaits. Weekly training blocks, online support, online community support, online study textbook, video breakdowns, and more.

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