Gunji Taiho Jutsu Weaponry Core - 4


Training in a weapon-based environment requires new skillsets and mindsets.  What can be applied in Martial Arts and Combatives without having a weapon in the struggle gives much more freedom although still presents many challenges.  A great drill to practice in Combatives training is to begin sparring with one person having a hidden weapon.  When the instructor gives the cue, one of the training partners will pull the weapon out.  This will quickly change the dynamic of the drill.  The weapon is an equalizer for the person that does not have the skills in hand-to-hand Combatives.

When it came time to develop the Gunji Taiho Jutsu's (GTJ) weaponry curriculum, we went for the structure of building off the foundations of Military Combatives and what is explore in Military Basic Training.  This includes self-defense movements against weapons, offensive attacks with the long gun, and how to survive.  With this in mind,...

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