2˚ Degree Black Belt Instructor Leveling Up

This is how you level up to 2˚ Degree Black Belt in Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GTJ).  Congratulations to Micheal James Rosequist  on his promotion in Gunji Taiho Jutsu .  It was truly a team effort to bring together individuals from different  time zones, ensuring the video feed was clear and understandable, and  putting in a lot of work before the final evaluation today. Micheal’s  understanding and application of the instructions learned from the  certified instructor training through Gunji University were excellent. I  was most pleased with the results and seeing  the concepts  and pedagogies in action. Therefore, Micheal earned the Gunji Taiho  Jutsu Senior Instructor 2°. Additionally, the Yūdansha is also in order  due to is application of the GTJ katas. All in all, I am proud to see  Micheal embody and put into application the Gunji Taiho Jutsu system.

If you want to become a certified Black Belt GTJ Instructor, below are the steps:

1: You need to complete the student curriculum at Gunji University. With your experience, focus on what you need to learn from the student curriculum. To see all of the curriculum, you will need 15 weeks. Take that time to review the weekly training videos and written content. Meet with your training group and practice. The curriculum begins slowly and quickly picks up in the weeks ahead.

Student Admissions:

2: Join the private Facebook group for Gunji University. There you can message me on Facebook to discuss any questions you have concerning techniques, your specific questions, and/or progress.

Gunji University Private Facebook Support Group

3: Begin the Instructor Certification Training (ICT) program online at Gunji University.  This will program is give you access to 25 additional videos to learn our teaching pedagogy.  You will need to complete your video capstone project before scheduling your final evaluation for black belt instructor.

‘Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.’–Scott Hayden

To The Reader

The author will be most happy to receive your comments, including criticisms and suggestions. Noteworthy comments may be included in future editions or books on this series.

– Prof. “little” Tony Pacenski
Yokota Air Base – Tokyo Japan


Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GTJ) | Military Arresting Technique is a system of taiho jutsu that is a progressive way to teach Military or Law Enforcement personnel many of the traditional and contemporary jujutsu techniques of control and arrest while at the same time keeping mindful of secondary weapon systems during training and complementing all of the current and evolving Military Combatives programs in place for the different branches of the Military.



Admissions <<<Student

https://www.gunjiuniversity.com is live right now. Gunji Taiho Jutsu redefines the arresting technique. Be prepared with self-pace curriculum blocks in arresting arts. Student and instructor admissions are available. Invest in Gunji Taiho Jutsu and learn the system at Gunji University. Your 1st block of training awaits. Weekly training blocks, online support, online community support, online study textbook, video breakdowns, and more.

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