Please Just Stop Teaching This To Law Enforcement

The Dinosaur Gooseneck Wristlock

You will be surprised how many instructors that teach "Defensive Tactics", "Law Enforcement Tactics" or "Taiho Jutsu" show the front gooseneck wristlock.  This type of compression lock is often taught in the context of what is called a come-along strategy. "Use this come-along to move the suspect where you want," is what the instructor will show the group.  I am here to let you know that in Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GTJ) and in Gunji University's curriculums we do not teach the front gooseneck come-along compression wristlock.

No students never ask the question to the "Defensive Tactics" instructor, what if the suspect uses his free hand to punch or to control his wrist?  The answer is the suspect will in real life punch your face or break up the position with his free hand.  This type of goose-neck hand positioning is very old, continues to be taught, and is not effective one-on-one when tested.  The front gooseneck is...

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