The Official Katas of Gunji Taiho Jutsu

Gunji Taiho Jutsu has two formal Katas at the time of this writing.  The motivation to create forms 1.  Ichi-No-Kata (To Position Oneself) and 2.  Kaiten-Katame-No-Kata ( To Grapple With Rotation) have come to design through my Kata training at the Kodokan in Tokyo.  Each month the Judo tatamis on the top floor of the Kodokan allow students to practice many of the official katas of Judo under the instruction and watchful eyes of the senseis.  I have been able to pick up the necessary details and improve my practice of Nage-No-Kata and Katame-No-Kata by participating in these training sessions.  At the same time, I have observed practitioners and senseis practicing Kime-No-Kata, Kodokan Goshin Jitsu, Ju-No-Kata, and additional katas of Judo, gaining incredible insights into Japanese culture, budo etiquette, and protocols.  

These official katas at the Kodokan have assisted the art of Judo spread worldwide and had a stable base of knowledge for over...

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GTJ Military Combatives Core - Striking

To practice Military Combatives is a broad stroke understanding Martial Arts tactics. In Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GTJ), the second curriculum for students is the GTJ Military Combatives Core. We get very specific in our practice and training to focus on how to use stances, movement, offensive, and defensive techniques and strategies. The objectives are to teach as close as possible to Military Combatives programs in place; however, to build off this core to incorporate additional concepts and techniques that are useful for arresting technique. The results have been amazing in finding what we call bridging techniques that link Combatives systems and different Martial Arts.

One of the most important elements of the GTJ Military Striking Core curriculum is the stance work and using movement effectively. We have made progress in our system of taiho jutsu build off of and link the footwork strategy called the V-Step or the X-Step. This technique comes from Filipino Martial Arts (FMA)....

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