Gunji Taiho Jutsu Releases for the 1st Time Ever Katas for Taiho Jutsu | New Course | New Book


Gunji University is excited to finally announce the release of the Gunji Jutsu Taiho official katas: Ichi-No-Kata & Kaiten-Katame-No-Kata.  Currently, students can enroll in the GTJ Kata course and work through a self-paced curriculum of 16 video lessons that break down each form and read through the 200+ textbook Volume 6 - Gunji Taiho Jutsu Official Katas.  The Kata course provides an e-book version of the textbook, or students can purchase the physical book through  See the admission link above.

It should be noted that if a Gunji Taiho Jutsu student successfully passes a GJT Kata testing of both Ichi-No-Kata and Kaiten-Katame-No-Katas, as the Tori, these evaluations will meet the requirements to earn a Gunji Taiho Jutsu YĆ«dansha certification.  YĆ«dansha means one that holds a dan rank.  If you have completed all of the student curriculum material and wish to be evaluated by a Gunji Taiho Jutsu instructor online through Gunji University,...

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