The Finer Points of the Police Armbar 1 (Ikkyo/ikkjo)

In Gunji Taiho Jutsu (GJT), before a student is ever taught a technique to bring a person to the ground to finalize an arrest strategy, he or she must learn GTJ PCS strategies 1 and 2. With PCS 1 there is an ability to approach a suspect to observe the proximity, gain compliance and see how the suspect is standing. PCS 2 looks at the officer's positioning, control, and system of takedown against the suspect. These two guiding principles of GTJ give the officer the opportunity to transition next to GJT PCS 3: Pinning, Communication, and Safety for all. Altogether this form of taiho jutsu instruction is much better and useful to the student instead of learning a bunch of isolated techniques or "police holds" such as the armbar.

In many police academies and law enforcement training blocks, trainees are taught from the side position standing to use the armbar. This is a straight armlock of control that can be used effectively to bring a suspect to the ground. For GTJ, again, the...

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