Kote Gaeshi | Structure, Balance and Usefulness


One of the popular techniques of Jujutsu and specifically Aikido is Kote Gaeshi. This is a wrist-turning technique that can bring an attacker to the ground or even throw him in the air. Kote Gaeshi is not a high percentage move applied in the dojo under high-level sparring. A wristlock control and throw is a small area to control, so many students when thinking of a takedown or throw control other bigger parts of the body instead of the wrist. It makes sense in a weaponless environment; however, if your training partner puts something in his hand to attack; how quickly you will find yourself rushing to control the wrist. I give you Kote Gaeshi.

This past weekend Yasuo Kobayashi, Aikido 8th dan taught three techniques from a straight punch (Tsuki). Two of the technique transitioned into Kote Gaeshi and finally two different ways to turn the attacker to his stomach and finally two types of pinning techniques. What was nice about practicing this technique was the different...

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